

Dear friends we inform you that our project, with the title "Social Entrprenuership, Sport, Recreation and Autonomy, bEyod Disability" / Κοινωνική Επιχειρηματικότητα, Αθλητισμός, Αναψυχή πέρα από τις Αναπηρίες was approved..... Congratulation to our application team... 

The PURPOSE of the project is the support and empowerment of disabled youths and their parents,
for full participation in education, economic-work and social life. To achieve the purpose as specific
objectives were defined:
1. the full participation in academic life,
2. the social entrepreneurship promotion and the action for combating unemployment,
3. the autonomy support by the creation of daycare and independent living structures,
4. the full participation in adapted sport and leisure areas,
5. the knowledge and experience acquisition, the good and innovative practices exchange,
6. the social and cultural osmosis,
7. the life values cultivation and the attitude and behavior adoption with the principles of national and
European legal and institutional frame on the rights of disabled people,
8. the e-platform development, for the material collection and dissemination, which will also act as
repository of knowledge.
In the project will participate 4 European organizations from 3 countries, (Ι) the Greek organization
“Society in Progress”, which is the coordinating agency, (ΙΙ) the Α΄ ΚΕDDY of Thessaloniki, (ΙΙΙ) the
NGΟ) and (IV) the Swedish Handball Federation with wheelchair sport team.

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