
The first mobility of the European program entitled: Social Entrepreneurship, Sport, Recreation and Autonomy, bEyod Disability (approval number: 2018-2-EL02-KA105-004209) was completed, in which the 4th REDC of Central Macedonia participated as co-organizer of the opening workshop and will also participate as a provider of dissemination of learning outcomes and final products. The program supported by INEDIVIM (National Agency of ERASMUS+ Youth Porjects)

The project was designed and will be implemented because the surveys have shown that, youths with disabilities receive low-quality education services, face barriers to transition to post-secondary education and training, the unemployment levels are higher in accordance with people with and with out disabilities (55%-75% and 18%-55% respectively in EU countries []), (ΙV) have proven limited environmental and social accessibility in culture, sports & leisure areas access, (V) autonomous living is not promoted, whereas daily services are mainly served by their family environment.

The PURPOSE of this project is the support and empowerment of disabled youths and their parents, for full participation in education, economic-work and social life. To achieve the purpose as specific objectives were defined:

1. the full participation in academic life,

2. the social entrepreneurship promotion and the action for combating unemployment,

3. the autonomy support by the creation of day-care and independent living structures,

4. the full participation in adapted sport and leisure areas,

5. the knowledge and experience acquisition, the good and innovative practices exchange,

6. the social and cultural osmosis,

7. the life values cultivation and the attitude and behaviour adoption with the principles of national and European legal and institutional frame on the rights of disabled people,

8. the e-platform development, for the material collection and dissemination, which will also act as repository of knowledge.

In the project will participate 4 European organizations from 3 countries, (Ι) the Greek organization “Society in Progress”, which is the coordinating agency, (ΙΙ) the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki/School of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, (ΙΙΙ) the FEDERACIÓN DE ASOCIACIONES DE DISCAPACITADOS COCEMFE ORETANIA, (Spanish NGΟ) and (IV) the Swedish Handball Federation with wheelchair sport team. In total, out of 40 youth workers, 6 will be youths with mobility impairment (2 handball mobility disabled athletes and 4 accompanying persons, all without age limit).

For all these three activities (Α1, Α2, Α3), planned CROSS-THEMATIC ACTIONS concerning, the

accessibility to post secondary education and training, the adapted vocational orientation, visits to the Greek and Swedish Manpower Organization, involvement in cross-thematic and experiential workshops, visits to daily care and autonomy livening units as well as in the disabled youths working areas (laundries, paper recycling, pottery laboratories, canteens, camps… ect). Also, handball wheelchair game will be organized by university team, the participants will learn step by step how to fill their Europe Pass CV and the Youth Pass and how to evaluate the project via a constructive questionnaire.


A variety of cross-thematic and experiential learning methods will be used: workshops, simulations, role play, discussions/roundtable, brain storming, know each other games, interactive games, reflective questions… ect. Important are expected to be the LEARNING OUTCOMES and the project’s IMPACT on individual and group level.











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